Україна, Дніпропетровська область, заповідні території, біорізноманіттяAbstract
The species diversity of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the territory of the Dniprovsko-Orilsky Nature Reserve (Dnipropetrovsk region, Dniprovsky district) have been studied. Forty-seven species of lichens and five species of lichenicolous fungi were reporded from Nature Reserve. It belongs to 35 genera, 15 family, 11 orders, 5 classis, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota phylums. All species are the first time reports from Dniprovsko-Orilsky Nature Reserve. Lichens Candelariella efflorescens, Cladonia cariosa, C. conista, C. foliacea, C. furcata, Diploschistes muscorum, Hypogymnia physodes, Kuettlingeria albolutescens, Melanelixia subaurifera, Parmelina quercina, Physconia enteroxantha, Ph.perisidiosa, Placynthiella uliginosa, Pyrenodesmia concreticola, Strangospora pinicola, Trapeliopsis flexuosa, T. granulosa, Verrucaria furfuracea, V. macrostoma and lichenicolous fungi Lichenoconium xanthoriae, Erythricium aurantiacum, Pronectria cfr. xanthoriae, Xanthoriicola physciae are the first time records from Dnipropetrovsk region. Twenty-five species found on bark of deciduous and coniferous trees. Nine species collected from concrete foundation. Eight species recorded on soil and six grew on wood. Six species are lichenicolous. Diploschistes muscorum is lichenicolous lichens. Athelia arachnoidea, Lichenoconium xanthoriae, Erythricium aurantiacum, Pronectria cfr. xanthoriae, Xanthoriicola physciae are lichenicolous fungi. Terraces of the Dnipro-Oril Nature Reserve have a much poorer composition of terricolous lichens in contrast of the terricolous lichen species composition from the Lover Dnipro arenas. Common species are only Cladonia conista, C fimbriata, C. foliacea, C. furcata, C. rei, Placynthiella uliginosa s.l. However, the lichen Cladonia cariosa, which did not observe in the Lower Dnipro arenas, grew massively in the arena of the reserve. The location of C. conista is the new after the first registration of this species from Ukraine. The composition of corticolous lichens is poor with a predominance of Physciaceae species. This may be due to the close location of industrial estates to the nature reserve.
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