The results of a comparison of the helminth fauna of two populations of the Przewalski's horses: from the Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" (1972–2018) and from the Orenburgsky Reserve (2017–2019) are presented. In the Askania-Nova, the helminth fauna of the Przewalski's horse comprised 45 species. The parasite coenosis in this area has been establishing for more than a hundred years due to coexistence of six equid species and various species of ruminants from different continents on the common steppe areas. In the Orenburg Reserve, during five years (2015–2019) the Przewalski's horses introduced from two European semireservations were the only equid species inhabiting the area. The helminth fauna currently comprises 29 species, two of which are endemic to the Central Asia. The formation of the helminth fauna of newly established Przewalski's horse population in the Orenburg Reserve continues.
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