Requirements for execution

Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" Reports publishes manuscripts devoted to nature reserve management, conservation of natural diversity, biology, ecology, protection of rare plant and animal species in nature and artificially created conditions, steppe nature management, soil science, introduction, and reintroduction. Exclusively original papers, which have not been published, reviews, analytical and conceptual developments on specific problems of biology and environmental protection.

Articles are published in Ukrainian and English (up to 12 pages); brief reports – 3 pages; articles for “Jubilees” and “Chronicle” – 3 pages. Please adhere to the following rules while writing articles.


An article is sent to the editorial board’s e-mail with the name of the author(s). It should be supported by accompanied by a motivated recommendation from the institution where the research took place, and papers of postgraduate students should also be reviewed by a supervisor. The editorial board examines, peer-reviews, approves, and rejects articles.

An individual file should include the author’s full name, academic degree, affiliation, position, ORCID, address, phone number, and e-mail.

The article should be submitted in the doc. or docx format. Text is without hyphenation, Times New Roman font, size 11, paragraph indention – 1 cm; margins: left and right– 30 mm, top and bottom – 25 mm, without page numbering.

Abstracts are in Ukrainian and English. One comprises the article’s title, the author’s initials and surname, text, and keywords. Volume: up to 1800 words.

The article should be clearly and logically structured and consist of the following sections: abstract, text of the article (introduction with the task, research material and methods, research results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments), and a list of references. Chronicles, anniversaries, etc. are presented arbitrarily.

The name of the animal species is accompanied by the full scientific name in Ukrainian (if available) and the full Latin name with the author and year of publication, e.g., “кулан туркменський Equus hemionus kulan Groves & Mázak, 1967”. The name of a higher taxon may be given in parentheses, e.g., “стронгіліди (Nematoda: Strongylidae)”. Only the Ukrainian or abbreviated Latin name may be used upon the next mention; the author’s surname and year are not given, e.g., “кулан”, or “E. h. Kulan”.

The names of plant species can be given only in Latin, with the author, without the year of publication. At the first mention of a species and genus, it is indicated their authors, and then the names of these taxa are given without authors. In geobotanical articles, the names of formations are given only in Latin, and the names of species in associations are also given in Latin, without authors.

The digital data presented in the tables are not duplicated in the text. Graphic materials are named, numbered in the order of their mention in the text (the place where they should be placed is also specified), and submitted as individual files (graphic editors: Word, Excel, Corel). Diagrams and graphs should not duplicate tables. Figure captions should contain sufficiently complete information so that the data presented can be understood without reference to the text. Abbreviations should be expanded in the figure captions.

In the article’s text, a reference to a literary source is given with the author’s initials – “О.О. Іваненко вважає... (Іваненко, 1935a, b)” or without them – “(Іваненко, 1924)”. The quotation is given in quotation marks and is accompanied by an indication of the page number – “O.O. Іваненко (1935a, p. 18)”. For foreign authors (a source in a language other than the article), the transliterated surname is indicated at the first mention and the original surname is given in parentheses – “За даними Дж. Брауна... (Brown, 1983)”.

For works with three authors, all surnames are indicated – “Дослідження Є.П. Стекленьова, Т.М. Єлістратової, В.О. Самчук (Стекленьов, Єлістратова, Самчук, 1983)”, with four authors and more - only the first surname with та ін./ “et al”- " «Т.І. Котенко із співаторами… (Котенко та ін., 1999)» або – «(Wright et al., 2006)». or "(Wright et al., 2006)". Books that have more than three authors or no authors should be cited by their abbreviated title - «(Методичні рекомендації …, 1980)». If several sources are cited in parentheses, they should be arranged by year of publication - «(Оцінка ..., 1993; Показники …, 1995; Дрозденко та ін., 1996; Шалига та ін., 1996; Clinical state …, 1996)".

Only cited works are included in the References list in alphabetical order (Cyrillic first, then Latin). Works by one author are listed first in chronological order. Then the works of the same author in co-authorship in the alphabetical order of co-authors. If there are several works by the same author (or several by the same authors) with the same year of publication, the sources are arranged in alphabetical order of the first letter of the work’s title –  the letters “а, б, в” (works in Cyrillic) or “a, b, c” (works in Latin) are added to the years of publication.

The list is not numbered; the first line indention – 1 cm.

Please adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and compilation rules” (code УКНД 01.140.40)

The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes and reductions and to reject manuscripts violating the rules without registration.