Розмноження, статево-вікова структура, динаміка чисельності, Біосферний заповідникAbstract
The results of observations of the reproduction process, the dynamics of the abundance and sex-age structure of amphibian populations are generalized. It was found that, despite the presence of artificial water basins of constant filling, a significant role in the reproduction of terrestrial species was played by the melting water flooding of the Velykyi Chapel's'kyi pid in 2010. The duration of existence of the water surface was sufficient for the complete metamorphosis of the tadpoles of the green toads Bufo viridis Laurenti, 1768 and the common spadefoot Pelobates fuscus Laurenti, 1768. The range of the spectrum of the size groups of the young generation of both species after migration to land was testified about "producing" of several generations by water bodies during the breeding period. After a rapid increase of the number of dominant Bufo viridis in 2010, their population decreased at the same rate in the next year and, starting from 2017, no amphibians were found on the survey routes. No noticeable effect of flooding on the abundance of the marsh frog Pelophylax ridibundus Pallas, 1771 was revealed.
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