Київський мегаполіс, урбанофлора, гігрофітон, раритетні види, флоросозологія, охорона ex situ та in situAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of lost phytorarities of National conservation status (Caldesia parnassifolia, Juncus bulbosus, Carex bohemica, Salix myrtilloides, S. starkeana), which were eco-coenotic elements of the hygro-philous floral complex urban flora of the Kyiv megapolis. The presence of rare species in the floristic complexes of transformed urban phytosystems opens up the possibility of expanding the knowledge of population biology under conditions of urbanization, landscape devastation, excessive recreation and elimination of populations. The results of an in-depth study of the taxonomic, biomorphological, chorological, ecological, coenotic, ecotopological features of these rare species has been given. Their response to the factors of anthropopression, urbanization, manifestations of recreational re-sistance and hemerobia has been analyzed. Auto-, syn- and florosological features are presented with an indication of the regional, national and international conservation status of species. The natural reasons for the rarity of species and anthropogenic factors causing the disappearance of their popu-lations from urban phytosystems has been given. The natural and anthropogenic factors of species rarity have been determined and analyzed. The biological features that ensure the stability of the phytocoenotic positions of the species have been established. Measures for the protection of the species in the conditions of growing urban pres-sure have been proposed. The issues of in situ protection in nature reserves both in Ukraine in general and in the Kyiv megapolis in particular are considered. The system of conservation of rare species ex situ and the possibility of restoring the lost populations of the rarest species by developing and implementing methods for their cultivation, obtaining seed material and sowing it in natural pro-tected areas where these populations were lost were analyzed.
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